Sunday, October 25, 2009

Week 6, Days 5 and 6

Gosh, yesterday was just such a blah day that everything seemed to pass me by, including logging in here. I don't know what I have days like that where I feel so terribly unmotivated. It's certainly not a good thing for a diet!

I ate a sandwich, a bowl of soup, and a small piece of pumpkin pie -- and I felt stuffed. I think my stomach must be shrinking. And I spent about two hours doing the weights with my arms. No walking. I'm surprised that today my arms haven't hurt.

Today I walked a half a mile at the store. I would have gone longer, but it was so very hot in Walmart. Always is, and I don't know why they keep it that way. I suppose some of that is because when I go walking, I go at a pretty good clip now and work up a sweat. But really....they do keep it warm in there.

I haven't had much to eat today and really haven't been hungry. I had a tiny bit of chicken, a slice of cheese, and whole wheat bread for breakfast, and a ham sandwich for dinner.

Today's Tip: NEVER go to the grocery store without eating a little bit ahead of time. Even if it's just a little container of yogurt, it will take the edge off your hunger and keep you from being tempted by the goodies and more likely to happily choose healthy foods.

Now...I'm off to play video games with Adam. :)

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