Monday, January 18, 2010

Week 18, Day 7

It's been a great day. Awesome business meeting this morning, great call from Dad this afternoon, and tons of stuff got done. Super! I got busy early and forgot to do breakfast, and I had a grilled chicken salad for lunch that stretched into dinner. I got it at Sonic when I took Adam to work -- only 250 calories of yumminess. And it was surprising large. I used to get salads at Burger King, but for the same price I get about half again as much at Sonic. So I think it's my new favorite fast food. However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to want a sandwich or something later. Still...good calorie maintenance today.

Exercise confession -- nothing but the usual today. I wanted to get in a bit more work, but I was glad to fit in time in spite of being busy. That means when life gets back to normal, I'll still be able to maintain a fitness regimen and keep this whole thing going. No going back to the way things were!

Today's Tip:
Chilly weather seems to bring out the desire for comfort foods more than other times in the year. You can enjoy comfort foods without packing on the pounds. Nubella, a division of Quality Health, offers this free ebook with all kinds of recipes for yummy, diet-sensitive Comfort Foods. As for me, I think I would make a few substitutions -- whole wheat pasta, a bit less cheese, only the top crust on the pot pie instead of a full crust, etc. But these are yummy recipes that really don't need a lot of altering to be diet-friendly. Enjoy!

Click here for recipe ebook>>> FREE recipe ebook

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Week 18, Day 6

I like being able to get back out and around. A few short months ago I would have hesitated to go to an event without Adam there to help me. Yesterday I went to my nephew's wrestling meet on my own. I didn't go sprinting into the building, but I got there without needing any asthma meds, and my nephew got 2nd place. A good day!

I'm frustrated at not being thinner, though. I am getting impatient! Now that I am able to do a bit more, there is more I want to do. I'm sort of trapped in a limbo between the crippling obesity and the fitness I want. It's been a few months since I've needed to buy new jeans, so clearly I'm not making the progress I need to. My arms are stronger and my lower legs are doing fairly well. But my hiney is still huge. I've seen it in the mirror. Appalling! And my lower belly seems to have taken on a life of its own and refuses to budge. With a fused spine, there is a limit to exercises I can do to get rid of it, so I'm feeling stuck. Any ideas?

Food confessions
Yesterday was a fast food day. I got word about the wrestling meet before I had eaten breakfast and too late for me to eat any at home. So I stopped en route and got a ham omelet sandwich from Burger King. I dunno. 290 calories. By comparison an Egg McMuffin across the street would have had 300 calories. No big deal. I guess they both would have filled me up about the same. The omelet had 8 grams of sugar, compared to only 3 grams of the McMuffin. But the omelet had slightly less saturated fat. Either way, I was starved 3 hours later. Oatmeal at home would have lasted me longer. But that's okay. sometimes life requires different choices.

However....after picking up Adam from work, we both were hungry and Sonic was on the way. I was going to have a salad but didnt' see one on the menu. I'm sure they have them, right? But there was a car behind us, and Adam was tired. So I got a grilled chicken sandwich --400 calories, far better than the cheeseburger at 620 calories-- with lettuce and tomato, no mayo. I also "cheated" and got a root beer. The sandwich was good, but the root beer --something I used to love-- tasted awful, like some nasty chemical concoction that shouldn't be consumed (which I didn't...I waited and drank water at home).

Today I've done better, with a cup of wheat flakes for breakfast and a half a sandwich for lunch. I don't know what I'll have for dinner, but I'm not very hungry, so I don't think it will be much.

Exercise confession
Umm...not much. Although yesterday was pretty good. When I got done at the wrestling meet, I went to the store and did my usual up-and-down-every-aisle walking. And I'm staying consistent with my weights. I've had a hard time putting in time on my bike -- it hurts my tailbone, and sitting in the bleachers for 3 hours yesterday started the weekend with my tailbone aching. Today's not over, though, so I hope to get a bit more movement in.

Today's Tip:

MSN's Health and Fitness channel has a great slideshow titled "10 Secrets of the Effortlessly Thin". Here's a sample:
They don't skip meals
There are two problems with skipping meals—and thin people are careful not to fall prey to them. Going more than six hours without food will slow down your metabolism, plus you'll likely get so desperately hungry that you'll grab anything (as opposed to something healthy) and eat too much of it. "Thin people keep their gas tanks [i.e., their stomachs] between one-quarter and three-quarters full all the time," says Fleming. The best way to do that is to eat frequent mini-meals every three to four hours.

To read more "secrets" of the thin people, go here>> 10 Secrets of the Effortlessly Thin