Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Week 3, Day 2

I'm still reeling over the show last night. It was brutal. Seems like this season is more petty than previous seasons. Tracey, the one who had to go to the hospital the first show, got on the other contestants' bad side for game-playing. So when she lost 11 pounds, no one applauded for her. They applauded for everyone else -- it's just what's done during Biggest Loser weigh ins. Plus, she had to endure Jillian yelling at her and crappy things being said to her by her fellow contestants. First time I've seen such bad sports on this show. They forgot, I guess, that The Biggest Loser IS a game. There IS a winner at the end of the season. Two winners, actually: one for the highest percentage of weight lost on the ranch, and one for the highest percentage of weight lost among those who got sent home. Tracey played the game. Good for her. If she ends up losing the weight she wants, too, then doubly good for her. Makes me glad, though, that I'm just doing this for me. No games, just a quest for a better and longer life ahead.

On the flip side, there was a great gesture of selflessness. Sean and Antoine were one of the two teams that lost the lowest percentage. Dan (the really heavy kid from last season who is back to finish the journey) and Shay (the heaviest person on the Biggest Loser, ever) where the other team. Clearly, for Shay this is a life-or-death experience. At well over 400 pounds, she MUST lose the weight or her life will be cut very short. Since other contestants had to vote to choose which of these two teams had to go home, Sean and Antoine requested that they be the team sent home so Shay could stay. Very classy.

Tough episode to watch, though, with such high highs and low lows. It would be interesting to see what the editors of the Biggest Loser left out of the aired show, hoping to increase the drama by slanting how it all appears to the viewers. Too bad. When people aren't being petty, and the trainers aren't being arrogant, it's an extremely motivating and educational show.

I did well today. I got a 6-inch sub at Subway: turkey breast and ham, tomatoes, green peppers, lettuce, on a 9-grain wheat bun. Their napkins have the calorie count of some of their sandwiches, and this one has 300 calories. Plus, I've gotten used to eating less at a time, so one 6-inch sub holds me for 2 meals. Had a banana this evening for a snack. Will have some yogurt later on. Plus, I did some walking, a little time on my bike, and some stair-climbing. Not a terribly long time spent at any one of them -- my back still won't let me do much. But it's more activity than what I used to do, so I'm happy with it.

So...another day done and another step taken toward my goal. Little by little.....

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