Friday, October 23, 2009

Week 6, Day 3

Another day of vacation, and I only cheated a teeny bit on my diet -- a chocolate chip cookie after dinner. But if anyone has ever had a cookie from Paradise Bakery & Cafe, they'll understand why I couldn't resist! At least I redeemed myself by getting in some walking at Whole Foods. I covered each aisle and did the perimeter of the entire store twice.

While there, I picked up some flourless 7-grain sprouted bread. Sprouting increases vitamin content, neutralizes phytic acid – a substance present in grains – that inhibits absorption of nutrients, and sprouting neutralizes or "predigests" grains through enzymatic activity, thus breaking down amino acid protein bonds to promote digestibility of the entire grain.It's a little more expensive than regular whole wheat bread, but it's very dense and filling. I end up eating less of it, so the price thing evens out.

I live in a 2-story home and have been having trouble with the stairs for quite awhile. My usual way of climbing the stairs has been sort of like a 3-year old -- one step, both feet on the step, next step, both feet on the step, etc. Today I did it like a grown up for the first time in about a year. I was a little winded at the top of the staircase, but I'm making progress. My goal is to be able to get where I can use the stairs as part of my exercise arsenal. I will never be "normal" for reasons to numerous to mention here ("ecclectic" is the word I use to describe my personality), but I'm headed toward the same level of functioning that normal people have. Little by little -- and no giving up. Right? Absolutely!

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