Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 5, Day 7

Last night my son Adam said, "You're looking thinner!" He is now my favorite. :) ((Just kidding, Daniel -- I love you and your brother both the same, and I adore your wife as if she were my very own **insert any other applicable Mommy-isms**.)) I don't feel thinner yet, and I anticipate the scales at tomorrow's weigh-in will not show any loss. But it was nice to hear the positive vibes.

I've eaten okay today. A large bowl of oatmeal (thanks Susan for the suggestion!), two chicken and fat-free cheese sandwiches. I need some veggies, too, but I'm not hungry right now. Maybe later for a snack.

Exercise hasn't been as big a thing today as it probably should have. My back hurts, so I've been doing just a bit of work on my sexy recumbent bike and a little time swinging the hand weights.

I keep intending to mention that I am taking vitamins through all of this. I think that's really important. Not just from a healthy weight-loss perspective, but also especially this year with the whole swine flu thing. It's hard for me, though. I'm just great at developing bad habits, but I've always been miserable about the good ones.

Anyway, I take a multivitamin by Shaklee, plus garlic and an herbal blend that goes by the brand name Clear Lungs that I get from Whole Foods. When I remember to, I also take a calcium supplement that has magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin D in it -- the brand name is Posture-D and I get it from Walgreens. Here's my rationale: Shaklee makes their vitamins from whole foods and cold processes them so the nutrients aren't lost; garlic has long been known to be good for a myriad of ailments; Clear Lungs works great in managing my asthma; and Posture-D has all the goodies I want from a calcium supplement, all in one. ((Full disclosure: years and years ago I sold Shaklee. I still can, but it's not a focus of mine.))

I hope everyone reading this has someone in their lives who tells them they look great, and I hope everyone who is on a weight loss journey does so with their best health in mind along the way.

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