Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Week 18, Day 2

I was escorting my dad all over the hospital today for tests, back and forth, north tower to south tower and back again, and it was really nice to not have to constantly ask every little bit if we could stop and sit so I could recover before we went a little bit further. (We'll know the results of the tests in a few days -- please keep praying for him.) I don't know if he noticed what I could do, but I know he always noticed and felt bad for me before when I couldn't go very far without needing to rest. It's nice to not be obviously worrying him now.

I've eaten well ...and I had yogurt and a banana for breakfast. Then once the tests were over at the hospital, Dad was hungry and wanted to get lunch. I had meatloaf and mashed potatoes -- no gravy, no butter. I don't know if the potatoes were a good choice or if I should have gone for the green beans or carrots -- the only other veggie choices. But the beans and carrots looked really overcooked. So I felt okay with the potatoes. And then for dinner...and this is where I really failed...I had a soda and a Kit Kat. I couldn't help it. My dad has something wrong with him that he has slim chances of surviving, my mother is getting more frail each day, Adam is sick, I hardly ever get a chance to talk to First Son now that he's busy with Wifey, Little Man, and work (I miss him!), and ...I just needed some chocolate and a fizzy drink. Okay, yes I know I could have helped myself and I didn't actually *need* a soda and a Kit Kat. And tomorrow I won't have either.

On the plus side of my development of my new suit (besides eating only 1 Kit Kat instead of the 6 I wanted to), I did a lot of walking at the hospital today, I did some weight work with my arms (and yes, they still hurt from moving up from 8 pound weights to 15 pound weights, but not as much --yayee!), and I'm going to spend some time on the bike tonight. Not too bad for the day. It helps that my back hasn't been hurting. This is the first day in a couple of weeks that it hasn't hurt. I think the warmer weather has helped. And the lack of pain has helped me be more active. I'm eager for another 50 pounds to be gone -- it's gotta be infinitely easier to move around when I'm not carrying that added weight with me.

Today's Tip:
The fitness DVD that First Son and Wifey got me for Christmas is awesome. For those of us who can't be on the Biggest Loser ranch, this is the next best thing! And now Amazon is having an awesome sale on fitness DVDs. Save up to 50% on Fitness DVDs! Click here to go straight to Amazon before their great sale ends!!!

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