Thursday, November 26, 2009

Week 11, Day 3

Great holiday with Little Man. We watched Fraggle Rock and cuddled. And in those moments neither of us were distracted by the fact that the house was full of family. What a lovely time! Had a great day with the family, too. Kids, parents, sister, niece, her kids. It was quite memorable. Wonderful food, too. And yes, I did eat a sliver of pumpkin pie. But I feel like the rest of the meal was overall quite healthy -- healthier in total than any other holiday meal I remember ever. To prepare, I promised myself ahead of time I would only take small portions and I wouldn't do second helpings -- and I kept my promises.

I was pleased at what appealed to me today. I made a totally healthy green bean side dish and ate a hearty helping. (The rest of the family seemed to like it, too!) My daughter-in-heart prepared some wonderful rosemary potatoes (she's a fabulous cook). And I ate a slice of ham. I had some dressing with dinner, too, since it was Thanksgiving. In all years past -- as many as I can remember -- the dressing was about the best part of the meal. I LOVED dressing, particularly Stove Top Stuffing. But this time the dressing seemed to have no flavor other than way too much salt. I was glad I only got a tablespoon of it, because otherwise I would have left it on my plate. (I was glad, too, that I was the one who brought it so I didn't end up hurting anyone's feelings.) I skipped the cranberry sauce, too, since it has so much sugar in it. All in all, I felt really good about dinner. And I loved the time with family, all of us gathered around the table. I feel very blessed.

I haven't had any exercise today. I'm hoping that later on Adam and I will go out for a walk. And I brought my resistance bands with me so I can do some work with those before bed. Adam questioned my desire to exercise on Thanksgiving. But I told him that the process goes on, regardless of what day it is. Living healthy is not a burden. It is a requirement so I can live, and it is a joy to know I'm on the right track and doing a positive thing.

I hope you ALL had a wonderful day and took time to remember the blessings of life. Thank you ALL for being a part of my journey!

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