Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Week 11, Day 1 and 2

Drats, no weight lost last week. But nothing gained, either. So I still sit at a 22 pound loss. That's a great way to go into Thanksgiving! We're headed to Iowa again, and since I'm bringing most of the meal with me, I get to choose healthy stuff. Wooohoo!

I didn't do much exercise yesterday. I've been so very tired and bloated. I'm guessing that's Mother Nature giving me her monthly bitch slap. And that could explain the lack of weight loss---could be water retention since my whole body seems completely bloated. I'll keep doing my best and see what next week brings on the scales. I got up early today and have already put in a half a mile of walking and some arm exercises. I'll get on the bike later. The next couple of days of playing with Little Man ought to take care of some major calorie burning, too.

Yesterday and today's food log: sandwich, egg, bowl of cereal (all yesterday), chefs salad, yogurt, and oatmeal (today).

I'm cooking the tomorrow's meat today and making the green beans (steamed, mushrooms, oregano, shallots, and garnished with a few almonds and a very light dusting of parmesan cheese). So tomororw all we have to do is heat it up. My parents asked for cranberry sauce, and they like the crappy canned jellied kind. I used to love that stuff, but now it seems to be quite a way from being real food. But that's okay. One time a year I can meet such a simple request from people who ask so little. The kids want dressing, and I'm bringing that, too. I won't eat any of it, but again, one time a year it's okay to put on the table.

Today's Tip:
I can't think of a better tip than encouraging gratitude. This day before Thanksgiving is a reminder, of course. But each day we need to be grateful for the blessings we have. Every person who has walked into our lives with kindness and love. Another day with the opportunity to do likewise for someone else. A roof over our head and clothes on our back. The freedom to say what we want, go where we desire, and worship as we see fit. And chocolate. I'm extremely grateful for everyone who reads this blog, too. It amazes me that you care and encourages me to keep moving forward if doing so helps you in any way. God bless you, and may you have a fabulous Thanksgiving!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. First off, U making me hungry on what u are fixing to eat! LOL......Thanksgiving seems to be the day most dieters kinda dread especially if they been keeping up with their exercise plans. Ma tip to you is life is short....EAT WHATEVA THE HELL YOU WANT TOMORROW FOR THANKSGIVING! If you gain some weight then hey you just continue your walks, bike and the playing with your child. I don't believe in starving ya self to loose weight. I know everyone's metabolism is different....I got that but even still its one day so why not. Sometimes those days do come up where you just tired don't wanna work out, don't feel like going by your portion guide in food, we are humans not robots. I can't tell you how to workout I just know I don't do no schedule. I get at it at anytime of the day.....if I know I wanna workout that day. so everyday you have 24 hours to get in some type of workout.....I just wish you all the best on your workout and I hope you get the way you want. BUT in the process still love you no matter what size you are. If you don't start from that then loosing the weight will be pointless because you will still find something to keep working on. I don't have to see a picture of you to know that you are a beautiful person and don't you let anyone tell you different! 'GO MS LADY!'


  3. Hey there Mrs. Clean Freak! How did your Thanksgiving go? I hope it was yummy and wonderful. :) Thanks for your sweet comments here! You are very wise, and I appreciate the advice and kind thoughts! ::big hugs::
