Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 1, Day 2

I was a naughty girl today, worthy of the most cringe-inducing yell-fest any of the trainers on Biggest Loser have ever given. But I have had successes, too.

I did well this morning through the afternoon. A half a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread (the real deal, not just white bread colored brown) for breakfast, the other half for lunch. Plenty of water. A quarter of a brownie. Never hungry. Doing great so far.

Then Adam came home. It was a day off from his job as a trainer at a restaurant. He had already been out with friends, and he was eager to go out for the evening rather than stay home. Nothing big, just out. So we went to Barnes and Noble and figured we would think of something else later if that bored us. He must have forgotten I was starting Biggest Loser. He's such a sweet kid (hardly a kid at 20, but always my little boy at any age), and I had barely found some books and magazines to peruse and a comfy place to park my hiney when he came with a soda and a cookie for me and a coffee and pastry for himself. He meant well. Such a nice person. A mother couldn't ask for a better son. So I never said a word to him about the yummy items being verboten. I enjoyed the soda (I really was thirsty), and I spent the next two hours slowly enjoying the oatmeal raisin cookie.

Okay, that was bad, but it wasn't the worst. He also wanted to have a late dinner at a nearby pizza buffet. I was as good as possible. Now keep in mind that their pizza slices are short and skinny -- only about an inch and a half across at the outer edge and about four inches long. I had two and a half slices. And no dessert. In normal pizza slice measurements, it was actually a little over one slice. I know...I'm justifying. I should probably have spoken up and asked Adam to choose a different place. But he never asks for much and never complains. And I don't regret going out with him to his place of choice.

After dinner, we went by Walmart to pick up some things, and I spent an hour walking off some of the diet transgressions. Plus, earlier today I spent about a half hour lifting hand weights so can I try to get rid of some of my arm flab. I tried doing leg lifts this morning, but it sent my back into horrible spasms, so I'll stay away from those until my back gets better. Clearly, there are things I CAN do, so I'll stick with those throughout the coming weeks.

So...there went Day 2. Not a great start. But tomorrow is coming, a new day to work toward success. And I'll enjoy the book I bought tonight at Barnes and Noble.

1 comment:

  1. There is a free calorie counter web site that is really good at:
    If you do decide you like it the full blown version is only $30 or $40.00 bucks.
    My nutritionist told me about it and it not only counts calories, but carbs, fats, all the nutrition as well as tracking activities, moods, etc. It's great! It also helps you create a food log and "really" see how much you eat and what's in what you eat. I started back using it yesterday. Today I cut out 800 calories by tracking it since yesterday. You can do it! Hang in there!
    Susan aka. operadiva :-) Let's "talk" this weekend! Ps. Sugar makes you HUNGRY! So do simple carbs - I'm on a quest to loose weight too and get in shape.
