I've lost another 7 pounds, but I've done it the hard way. The tooth I broke a few months ago finally gave out, and by the middle of last week the pain was bad enough I was unable to eat or sleep. A year of being unemployed means I have no money to get it fixed, so I'm pretty well stuck. I went to the community health center on Thursday and got some antibiotics, and I have an appointment for a root canal on May 5, but I have no way to pay for it. They said the cost will be $868. So if by some Internet miracle there is a philanthropist reading this who wants to help out a good-hearted but struggling person, my PayPal account is rabblebabble at hotmail dot com. I am happy to do some PR work or other writing in exchange for the help.
On the bright side of life, I went to Omaha on Sunday to celebrate Easter with Adam. I've missed him terribly, and it was great to spend the day with him. We went out to eat (I had a few bites of pasta --thank goodness the antibiotics had been working for a couple of days!), and then to a movie. One of the remarkable things about going to the movie is that I used to have a real big problem going to the theater, and this time I most certainly didn't. I used to have to find a parking spot as close to the enttrance as possible, then walk slowly, leaning on Adam all the way and sometimes having to stop midway to rest, then once inside, having to stop more along the hallway to the auditorium. This time, however, I didn't hesitate to take the first partking spot that came along -- which happened to be fairly far from the entrance, then I walked in and all the way to the auditorium -- which was the farthest one from the door, all without having to stop even once to rest. It was awesome -- I've made so much progress! After the movie, we went to Walmart to do some shopping, and I walked a bunch more -- and I wasn't even a bit tired!
Dad and I have been walking fairly regularly at the hospital, and he promises that once I move back over to Omaha, he will continue to keep walking on his own. He still has a ways to go before I can leave, though. He gets very tired after our walks, and he can only do one session a day so far. But I'm so thankful every time we go walking and so proud of him for working so hard to regain his strength! He and Mom are doing physical therapy three times a week at the hospital, too. I know it's terribly hard for them, but I'm so proud of them and so hopeful that this will be a good turning point for them.
It's all been good for me, too. A few months ago my walking had to be done at the grocery store so I could hold on to the cart. Now I walk on my own and carry weights with me. It started when I was carrying bags back and forth when Dad was in the hospital, and I've kept it up since then. Little by little the changes are happening. I have another 50 pounds to go -- a long way -- but I feel confident I can make it.
Today's Tip:
Resistance bands are a good alternative to weights. Mom and Dad have each been given resistance bands by their physical therapists. I broght my resistance bands with me to Iowa. They're affordable, effective, versatile, and very easily portable. I like using my weights at home, but when I can't be there, my resistance bands are a great option. Whether traveling, or to have at the office or other places, consider adding resistance bands to your fitness arsenal.
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