So...anyway, I've had a few cookies at work (okay...truth time...I've had some sweets at home too), and some sodas. And I haven't been doing any exercise at home except for working with the weights for my arms. Honestly, after working hours on my feet, I'm too sore when I get home to do any biking for stair-climbing. The good news is that there is actually quite a bit of walking at work. Not like it's a huge store, but it is one of the larger ones in the city. And there is quite a bit of walking to get my demo / sales supplies located each day and set my station up and then cleaned up and put away at night. Plus, the time clock and employee lounge are upstairs, so at least 3 times a day I do climb those stairs. And the employee parking lot is a block away. So...I'm not being totally sedentary these days. Which all accounts for why I can have cookies and soda and not gain any weight. Not losing any, but not gaining any at all.
But all this confession stuff to get to this point: I need to get "back on the wagon" and start losing weight again. I've got about 50 more pounds to lose before I'll feel like I've actually reached a goal. Don't get me wrong...I'm happy with where I am now. Ecstatic, in fact, to be able to do the things I couldn't have done 80 pounds ago. I hurt when each day at work is over, but I'm soooo happy because no one at work knows there was ever a time when I was too fat to walk like that, too fat to breathe well enough to even get from my bedroom to the bathroom without having to stop to catch my breath. But just because I've reached a point where I'm able to do things again doesn't mean the journey is over. I need to keep going. Really, I NEED to. It's important not just for the journey's sake, but for my health, my comfort at work (less weight on my legs and feet), my job prospects, ...all that jazz. It's time for me to get going again and keep working toward what's best for me.
Today's Tip:
It doesn't matter what distractions life brings ...what jazz jumbles up your life for awhile ..., never be afraid to get back to working on your fitness goals. Getting distracted isn't a failure. Giving up forever is. Keep going! You know in your heart that it's worth it!