They say that when the going gets tough, the tough get going. Well, one more thing went wrong. (This is getting to be a regular occurrence in my life, you know.) My car decided last night it no longer liked holding transmission fluid. So today I took it to the repair shop. Chivalrous dudes that they are, they let me walk home. Roughly a mile. Plus, keeping in mind that we have no money for car repairs and may end up on foot for a long time, I decided that it was time for me to apply for work at the grocery store near us, in spite of the fact that I would be on my feet for eight hours a day and one of my legs goes completely numb if I'm on it for more than 15 minutes. So all-told, I walked about a mile and a half today. I have the blister on my foot as proof. In the grand scheme of fitness, a mile and a half isn't far. But considering I struggled just a couple of weeks ago to get four blocks, a mile and a half today was pretty darned good. If I weren't in so much pain from doing it, I would celebrate.
I think I'll be moving to the basement soon. We just invited a couple of friends of Adam's to move into our place and rent my room. Money is tight. I have no income. And we need the help. Somehow living amongst the boxes and bags in the basement seems like a good option. It beats eviction. Besides trudging up and down the basement stairs each day would be good for me. Right? There's that silver lining again. haha. If I'm reading the handwriting on the wall correctly, I'm going to end up a lot skinnier faster than I anticipated. I'm glad I got fit enough in time to be ready for this newest challenge.
Update: The transmission is dead. So we are officially on foot. I'd better get used to a mile and a half or more on foot each day. Life is not pretty right now.
Today's Tip:
Do NOT delay in your fitness program. You do not know what calamity lies ahead. If it is sunshine and roses, you want to enjoy it all to the fullest. If it is not, you want to be ready to deal with it.