I ate something interesting today, but it disturbs me that I can't find the calorie count for it. Taco Bell here in Omaha has a Mexican Cheesesteak. From what I can find on the internet, I gather it's not available in all areas yet. I'm guessing that's why it's not listed on the Taco Bell website. This tasty item features sauteed green peppers, sauteed red peppers,

sauteed onions, grilled steak and melted cheese all inside warm flatbread. All things considered, I think the caloric content must be less than most fast food. Perhaps around 500 calories?. (And kudos to Taco Bell for having some reasonably healthy items on their menu. They have a ways to go, but it's not a bad choice if you're in a hurry.) But still -- together with the 400 calorie smoothie I got at a nearby coffeehouse, I'm at around 900 for that one meal. It was incredibly filling, so much that I don't even want anything for dinner. And I ate just a half a sandwich for breakfast. Still, I wish Taco Bell would man up and put the nutrition info on their website for ALL their food offerings, not just some.
While I enjoye lunch at Taco Bell (mostly because it was where Adam wanted to go, and I love spending time with him), it did remind me that I like eating at home a lot more. I didn't used to. Eating out was so much easier. But there are also a lot of drawbacks. It's much more expensive than eating at home. Since I've gotten really picky about the groceries I buy, I think it's fair to say the food I prepare at home is more wholesome than restaurant food. And it's much easier to control the calories at home.
Biggest Loser isn't on tonight because of the Olympics. And I'm really sleepy and wanting a nap. So I don't know if I'm going to get my usual Tuesday evening exercising in. I've done so little lately. I'll try to do something.... I've only lost one pound this week, so I need to keep working at it. Part of me is overwhelmed by all that needs to be done before Dad's surgery -- and that just makes me sleepy. I need to fight that. Hopefully I'll have a better report tomorrow.
I love all of you who have been so kind to me with your generous words, thoughts, and prayers. I have shared with my family each message, and we are all greatly strengthened and encouraged as we enter this final stretch before March 1. Thank you, and please keep praying!
Today's Tip:Do you ever wonder which foods are the right ones to choose when trying to eat more healthy? Obviously, fresh spinach is better than frozen creamed spinach, right? But which is better, corn flakes or corn tortilla chips? If you can't have fresh peaches, which canned peaches are best? Prevention magazine has some helpful tips in their feature "
23 Ways to Eat Clean". Check it out online here>>