I ate well today -- yogurt for breakfast and a tossed salad with grilled chicken for lunch. Dinner was not quite as diet-friendly, but it was very yummy. Mom made chicken and dumplings with carrots. The dumplings, of course, were the part that didn't fit the diet so well. But ooo they tasted so good! My sister brought sugar-free jello. When Mom and I went to the store this morning, I could tell that my having a birthday cake was really important to her, so she and I worked together to put together a dessert that would be festive and still fit with my diet. I ended up with a very yummy angel food cake topped with bananas, sugar-free whipped topping, and sugar-free caramel topping. It tasted quite decadent, but I feel like it probably had far fewer calories than a traditional yellow cake with frosting.
Today's Tip:
My sister gave me a gift that I think is a great idea. She got me a rainbow colored placemat and matching bowls in various sizes, salad plate for my entrees (smaller size so I eat less than I
would with a full-sized dinner plate), and mug. The purpose of the dishes and placemat is to ensure that every meal is a pleasant occasion no matter what I'm eating rather than a mindless boring act. And in another bag she put various treats to enjoy on my new dishes -- soups, bagels, fruits, salad, each having only one Weight Watchers point value. It was a great gift idea, particularly for a single person like me. When you eat alone, it's so easy for mealtime to become a mindless act done off a paper towel in front of the TV or at the kitchen counter. Dishes like this makes mealtime become more purposeful, and thus much easier to be aware of the content of the food, the calories, the nutrition, and the enjoyment of eating. If you know a single person, think about a gift like this the next time a special occasion arises in their lives. It's a great way to let them know how special they are to you!