The day after Dad's surgery marks the 38th anniversary of the death of my brother. Sitting in ICU worrying about whether or not Dad pulls through is probably not the easiest way for my parents to spend the day. I know for them the anniversary is as fresh as if Bill had left us only yesterday. I do not envy them this journey. I ache for them, really. Sometimes I think the only thing worse than dying young is growing old. I want so much to make this all easier for them, and yet I don't know how. And as long as I'm drowning in my own tears, I'm no good to anyone. I just

Today's Tip:
Advice I hope I can take to heart myself. Though I've been snarfing down Frosted Flakes like they're manna from Heaven, grief and stress are not good reasons to eat crap. Junk food will not really make anything better. In fact, eating junk will only sabotage your efforts to deal with the challenges life is throwing at you, making the grief and stress a more potent dragon that can harm your health and keep your goals out of reach. Slay the dragons in your life with proper nutrition and by using exercise to dispel the excess energy that can build up. Perhaps easier said than done, but no one said slaying dragons was easy.
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