I don't know what's wrong with me. The more I exercise, the more food I want. I've eaten sooo much the past couple of days. And it doesn't help that Adam made cookies last night. Really, really good cookies. They were made with oatmeal, so they weren't complete crap. But they were far from good for me. I walked about a mile yesterday and biked for a half hour today. I've done 50 leg lifts each day. And I've done weight work on my arms. And I've eaten. And eaten. And eaten. And all I can think about is food. And death and loss and really horrid depressing stuff -with associated crying myself to sleep each night. Something is terribly out of whack in my head! UGH! I need to seriously refocus! I'm not sure how, but somehow I've got to get myself back into some sort of "normal" zone. Not that I've ever had a normal life, nor do I want to. I like extraordinary. I like eclectic. But I don't like morbid. And I hate morbid obesity. I'm NOT happy with where I am right now. Tomorrow has GOT to be better!
Today's Tip:I went to Barnes and Noble yesterday and bought Jillan Michael's new book. Jillian is one of the trainers on the Biggest Loser show. She's the one who is usually the hardest, the one everyone thinks of as a bit bitchy. But I'm finding her book
Master Your Metabolism: The 3 Diet Secrets to Naturally Balancing Your Hormones for a Hot and Healthy Body!
to be very heartfelt and warm. It's very easy to read, very encouraging, and very full of empathy and step-by-step here's-how-to-really-make-a-change advice. It makes me want to give her a great big hug and then sit at her feet and listen to every word she says. I suspect it's exactly what I need right now. I'm on my way through it again, with a highlighter this time. It's worth really studying.
Hey Girl! Eating Carbs and sugar makes you hungry, hungry, hungry! I like you am TOTALLy off track and suffering from the deepest morbidity and self loathing lately. I really believe it is spiritual warfare. If Satan can make me/ you believe that we are no good than we won't take risks and move forward with our lives. I'm typing this as much for myself as for you. I'm stuck lately. please pray for me to get serious about my diet and out of this depressed funk. I love you and you're doing great! Remember to drink "lots" of water. 2 egg whites in the am and half a cup of old fashioned oats with soy mild set you up for a good morning.
ReplyDeleteNights are the worst for me and my diet. Pray for me to master myself. Love you! Opera diva :-)
Wow!~ You've lost 25 pounds! Awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteI haven't really lost anything because I keep going up and down and not being serious. Please pray for me.
Love you!
OPera Diva
Hey hey, Susan!
ReplyDeleteAt least I'm not the only one...but that's small comfort. I wish you were having an easier time of it! We gotta stick with this! We have a lot of years ahead of us IF we want to and IF we stick with this thing! It's up to us. Let's keep praying for each other!
Love you LOTS!