Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Week 9, Day 2, Part 2

What a great day! I felt so energized all day after last night's Biggest Loser episode and with all the great support I've gotten this past week! I'm still huge, but I'm beginning to feel like a skinny woman, like a butterfly emerging slowly from a fat cocoon. I don't know how to explain it better. I didn't feel this way the last time I lost weight, and I think that's why I put some of it back on. Back then, I still felt like a fat person on their way to being thin. I "owned" the fat because it was a part of me. But this time I feel like a skinny person. That's not to say I feel skinny. Quite the contrary. Of course, I'm still very overweight! But I am feeling the presence of a new me underneath the fat. Almost like the fat doesn't even belong to me anymore, and I'm just trying really hard to get rid of the nasty stuff.

I've worked hard today -- hard for me. I spent 15 minutes doing arm work, 10 minutes doing calf raises, and 45 minutes walking. I'm still feeling the effects of this cold or allergies (I think it's actually allergies since it's stuck with me so long), so my breathing is still labored. But that just means I had to stop a couple of times when I walked so I could catch my breath. I'm not sure, but I can't help but think that losing weight will help my asthma. Surely these past few years of my asthma getting worse and worse can't all be part of the aging process. I never had to go to the hospital with it until I got fat. We'll see...but I'm hopeful!

Adam and I went to Jason's Deli tonight. I had a tuna salad sandwich with lettuce, six baked chips, and a small ice milk/cream cone. I was glad the tuna salad seemed to have only a teeny bit of mayo on it...if any, and just a few egg bits. I would have like a bit of celery in it, too. But I can add that when I make it at home. And I was a good girl...even though it was on multi-grain bread, I took the tops off and only ate the bottom slice. The ice cream cone is made with ice milk, so it had fewer calories. But it was still too much. I was way too full when dinner was over. So next time, new rule -- no desserts AT ALL when we eat out. If I need something sweet-tasting, I'll have yogurt at home. :)

Today's Tip:
We also went to Barnes and Noble this evening. And I saw in their bargain section some of the Biggest Loser books. All of them only $6.98! I got The Biggest Loser Success Secrets. Wow! VERY amazing book! I bought an extra copy for my sister for Christmas. When I got home, I could hardly put the thing down long enough to post this! If you can get a copy, you'll love it. Either way, I'll post some of the wisdom from it in coming days here in the Today's Tip section of each day's post. :)

I hope your day was great! And if you're a veteran, I hope your day was extra-special!

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