Sunday, November 22, 2009

Week 10, Day 6

Someone brought us a pumpkin pie yesterday. They don't know I'm on a diet, and they meant well I'm sure. But I don't know what to do with it. It won't last until Thursday. And not eating it seems like a rude reaction to the kindness. But of course, eating it isn't good for my diet and I don't want to justify doing something bad for myself. What do normal people do about quandries like this? I have to learn or I won't stay thin once I lose all this weight. Right now I don't have a clue. Not an earthshaking problem, of course. But pumpkin pie is my favorite. Almost makes me want to cry right now.

Otherwise I've done okay today. I got in a half mile walk before breakfast. Seems kind of wimpy since Danny and Sean from the Biggest Loser show have both just completed full marathons. But it's the best I can do right now, and I was glad to have done it before anything else today. I've also done work with weights for my arms and some leg lifts. I've eaten okay today, too. The usual. I tend to fall into a rut with my eating. Probably one of the reasons I that contributed to my getting fat -- I fell into the wrong ruts before. Hopefully my ruts are better these days.

Today's Tip:
Processed foods are a huge contributor to weight problems. One suggestion I came across to combat this is to use the Rule of 5 -- if a package of food has more than 5 ingredients in it, steer clear of it. You want to eat food as close to its natural form as possible. Besides how do things like xantham gum, red dye with any number, natural flavors (shouldn't the food have its own "natural flavor"?), butylene glycol, or tartrazine help your health? More and more evidence has shown that many of the additives are actually bad for us -- red dyes, high fructose corn syrup, MSG -- the list keeps getting longer. Eat real food!

1 comment:

  1. So true about the food addictives and the ingredients. I will have to watch labels very closely. Spent the whole weekend a mess. Miserable inside and miserable for my family outside. The candy said Sugar free, but it is far from sugar free with the sugar alcohols. I also read in a book at Barnes that something might have water listed as the first ingredient making you think it is mostly water, but if the next three ingredients are sugar related it probably has more sugar than water. It talked about how they like to break the sugars up so they can label it differently. I have no choice, but to eat healthy. I get mean and miserable when I eat sugar. It is not good. Thanks for your post. If you think you have the will power you can eat just the filling and not the crust of the pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie without filling is actually on the Atkins diet later in the diet process. Then you can throw the rest away. My husband was making pizza and was drizzling Olive oil all over the crust....he got mad when Isaid I didn't want any on mine. I said do you think the biggest loser contestants families get mad at them when they come back if they say I don't want oil on my they support them. He was like well I am just not making the pizza at all. God love him he is way to codependent.
