Little Man was so sweet this afternoon. He's a big fan of Fraggle Rock, and we watched them for awhile before it was time for Adam and me to leave. I'm really nuts about him, even though he wears me out sometimes. The couple of days of way more activity than I'm used to was good for me, and it was an affirmation that I'm headed in the right direction with my acquisition of A New Suit. A few months ago I could not have played with him (or chased the little speed demon!) like I did this time. And in a few months more I will be even stronger. We each have our own motivation for the journey to fitness and health, and Little Man is one of my very good reasons for continuing on this journey.
Let's see....food. Mom made biscuits this morning, and I had two with a tiny bit of apricot preserves. Late lunch was a grilled chicken sandwich from Burger King -- which gave me a nasty case of the runs. Clearly, I'm not meant to eat fast food anymore because the past couple of times I've tried it, I've ended up ill. Dinner was good -- leftovers of Mom's chicken and noodles from last night. Back to my regular diet tomorrow. I love Mom and the meals she cooks for us, but while I'm on this journey, I like having more control over what I eat.
Fitness -- nearly none today. Just about 15 minutes of weights for my arms. I'm so sore from the past couple of days. So it's probably just as well to have taken it easy today. But tomorrow I will get back on the bike and work again. I hope to walk a bit, too. But it's Adam's last day of vacation, so we'll see.
Goodnight, Little Man. Thanks for the encouragement. And thanks for being you. Oma loves you!
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