Sunday, October 18, 2009

Week 5, Day 6

Whew! I just got back from a 45 minute walk around the supermarket. Since I no longer shop from the interior aisles, I walk there and can walk at a pretty rapid pace. I had a huge bowl of salad with chicken breast before I went, so I wasn't tempted at all by the yummy stuff -- frozen goodies like peppermint or double fudge brownie ice cream, or the array of candy bars at the checkout. In fact, I must be making progress because I looked at the ingredients and calories-to-serving-size ratio, and I was disgusted.

I heard sometime recently that if something has more than 5 ingredients, beware. Plus, why spend 300 calories on a half a cup of double fudge brownie ice cream when for the same amount of calories I could have a boatload of veggies or three six ounce cups of smooth, creamy yogurt? Unless I'm craving chocolate -- which I'm not today, it's not worth the caloric expense or the health implications of ingesting unhelpful chemicals.

Tip for today: My friend Kathy has a friend who lost 120 pounds in 2 years. Kathy says, "When she first started she also used a sandwich plate as her dinner plate. She said it helped her feel like she was still getting a full plate of food but had smaller portions.". Great idea, Kathy! Thanks for sharing.

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