Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week 1, Day 3

Kind of an ordinary day. You would think with me being unemployed I would have plenty of time to exercise. I had this Grand Plan to spent 10 minutes every hour doing exercise. Then at the end of the day I would have put in about 2 hours of exercise. But I only spent about 15 minutes on the bike, did some curls, and tried some leg lifts. So much for the Grand Plan.

My eating was strange today. When I first came downstairs, I ate a handful of tiny marshmallows my mother had sent home the last time we went to visit. They taste like her house smells. Don't misunderstand -- her house doesn't smell bad. On the contrary, it smells wonderfully like a powdered and lotioned little old woman. And that's just lovely when you're going home. But that's not the best smell for food. Trust me. For the rest of the day, I just wasn't really very hungry. I had a couple of turkey and cheese (fat-free) sandwiches on whole wheat bread. And I'll probably have a cup of yogurt before bed. Tomorrow I need to make an effort to eat some veggies. And going forward, I need to really focus on getting fruits and veggies into my diet each day. No sense losing weight if I just end up making myself sick!

On the plus side, I got some proposals finished and made headway today on the pro bono work I'm doing for a non-profit. And I spent some time getting back into the attempt to learn how to do Flash on a website. I know it can't possibly be as hard as it seems right now. I'm a smart woman and I have the ability to learn anything. So I just need to get myself past this mental block. However, today it seems impossible. I will just have to console myself with the fact that I have been trying and will continue to try.

And tomorrow I will try again to implement the Grand Plan. If I only do as much as I did today, that won't be terrible. Will it?

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